Here's a trailer:
Look for it on DVD, or NetFlicks or something. Hilarious and touching.
That being said, we're burning out! Not just financially (travel is an expensive habit), but physically, mentally, emotionally. We've been on the road for exactly three months now. It's been amazing, for sure, but we're both very much looking forward to getting back to good food, privacy, and some sort of home-base. I think I've gotten my fill of hostels for a bit, and I know Kelly's felt that way since about our second week here. :)
So we've got plane tickets home! Our last bit of travel is all mapped out and we'll be heading home on April 13th. I know, it's kind of crazy that after all of this time and aimless rambling, we'll be back in the States so soon.. But we're both super excited for some things we have waiting for us there (including you all) and looking forward to moving on to a new adventure. For those of you who might not know, we'll be stopping in Charleston for a brief introduction to Westin, the newest member of Kelly's family, and then we're heading down to New Orleans to set up camp for a couple of years.
We're in Taupo at the moment, a small town on the edge of a lake larger than the country of Singapore. In a couple of days we'll head down to Wellington for a bit, then hop on a train back up to Auckland for another few days before we fly out.
Now we've just got to figure out how to make the most of our remaining time here. This was one good way I spent a bit of it:
SKYDIVING?! For sure, that's got to be amazing, I've always wanted to do that! Sorry your visit's cut short, but glad to have you back at the same time!