Woke up today to a torrential downpour with lots of thunder and lightning. It sounded pretty awesome, and it was nice to lay in bed for a few and listen to the rain. Then we got up and saw this out the front door.

Once I was able to leave the house I headed over to Borders to do some research among the cookbooks. With all my cookbooks at home I am without my reference section, and I now find myself very much in need of it as I have a rather fantastic job opportunity presenting itself for which I need to bring my best to the table! Literally. :) This is not a sure thing, but the position I'm interviewing and trying out for starts as a regular production role and then takes on more and more responsibility until taking up the reins as pastry chef. It may be kind of out of my league, but I might as well give it a try. In at the deep end, right? But really this would be a very cushy situation in which to learn how to really be a pastry chef. I've got a 4-day trial later this week, for which I'll be studying up on all the skills I think I may need to call upon, so cross your fingers!
This city has a lot of entertaining wildlife. Here and there you find these little lizards, anoles, sunning themselves on a fence or a rock. I always try to get close to them, but they're very wary and disappear in a flip of the tail and with hardly the rustle of a leaf to betray their passing. I found one halfway through shedding his skin the other day and tried to get a picture. But of course he ran away when I got in too close.

I think I may have stepped on one yesterday. I'm not sure, but something very wriggly came between the arch of my foot and my flip-flop, and I jumped about a foot in the air and performed a series of convulsive karate kicks to dislodge it. Hopefully he was flung to safety and not smashed..

I like this city.
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